Grouping Elements of an Array in PHP

Grouping elements of an array based on specific criteria is a common task in programming. In PHP, you can achieve this using…

Grouping elements of an array based on specific criteria is a common task in programming. In PHP, you can achieve this using a custom groupBy function. This function groups the elements of an array based on a given function, allowing for flexible and powerful data organization. In this post, we’ll explore how to implement and use the groupBy function in PHP.

What Does the groupBy Function Do?

The groupBy function groups the elements of an array based on the result of applying a given function to each element. This can be useful for categorizing data, creating histograms, or organizing information in a meaningful way.

The Code

Here’s how you can implement the groupBy function in PHP:

function groupBy($items, $func)
  $group = [];
  foreach ($items as $item) {
    if ((!is_string($func) && is_callable($func)) || function_exists($func)) {
      $key = call_user_func($func, $item);
      $group[$key][] = $item;
    } elseif (is_object($item)) {
      $group[$item->{$func}][] = $item;
    } elseif (isset($item[$func])) {
      $group[$item[$func]][] = $item;

  return $group;

// Example usage
print_r(groupBy(['one', 'two', 'three'], 'strlen')); 
// Output: [3 => ['one', 'two'], 5 => ['three']]

Let’s break down the code step by step.

Understanding the Code

  1. Function Definition:
    • The groupBy function takes two parameters:
      • $items: The array of elements to be grouped.
      • $func: The function or property used to determine the grouping key.
  2. Grouping Logic:
  3. Determining the Group Key:
    • If $func is callable or a function, it applies $func to $item using call_user_func to get the grouping key.
    • If $item is an object and $func is a property name, it uses the value of that property as the grouping key.
    • If $item is an array and $func is a key, it uses the value of that key as the grouping key.
  4. Adding Elements to Groups:
    • The element is added to the appropriate group in the $group array based on the calculated key.
  5. Returning the Result:
    • The function returns the $group array containing the grouped elements.

Example Usage

To illustrate the function, let’s consider an example where we group strings by their length using the strlen function:

$result = groupBy(['one', 'two', 'three'], 'strlen');

The output will be:

[3] => Array
[0] => one
[1] => two

[5] => Array
[0] => three


In this example:

  • The strings ‘one’ and ‘two’ have a length of 3 and are grouped together.
  • The string ‘three’ has a length of 5 and is placed in its own group.

Use Case: Grouping Products by Category

Imagine you have an array of products, and you want to group them by category. Here’s how you can use the groupBy function to achieve this:

$products = [
    ['name' => 'Apple', 'category' => 'Fruit'],
    ['name' => 'Carrot', 'category' => 'Vegetable'],
    ['name' => 'Banana', 'category' => 'Fruit'],
    ['name' => 'Broccoli', 'category' => 'Vegetable']

$groupedProducts = groupBy($products, 'category');



[Fruit] => Array
[0] => Array
[name] => Apple
[category] => Fruit

[1] => Array
[name] => Banana
[category] => Fruit


[Vegetable] => Array
[0] => Array
[name] => Carrot
[category] => Vegetable

[1] => Array
[name] => Broccoli
[category] => Vegetable



In this scenario, the groupBy function helps to neatly organize products by their categories, making it easier to manage and display them.

Alternative Approach

If you prefer a more functional approach or want to leverage existing PHP array functions, you can achieve similar results using array_reduce. Here’s an alternative way to group array elements:

function groupByAlternative($items, $func)
    return array_reduce($items, function ($group, $item) use ($func) {
        $key = is_callable($func) ? $func($item) : (is_object($item) ? $item->{$func} : $item[$func]);
        $group[$key][] = $item;
        return $group;
    }, []);

// Example usage
print_r(groupByAlternative(['one', 'two', 'three'], 'strlen'));
// Output: [3 => ['one', 'two'], 5 => ['three']]

In this approach:

  1. Using array_reduce:
    • array_reduce iteratively processes each element in the array, accumulating the results in the $group array.
  2. Determining the Group Key:
    • The grouping key is determined similarly as in the original groupBy function.
  3. Returning the Result:
    • The final grouped array is returned.

This alternative method provides the same functionality as the groupBy function but uses a different approach for those who prefer functional programming techniques.

Wrapping It Up

The groupBy function is a powerful tool for organizing array elements based on specific criteria in PHP. Whether you’re categorizing products, creating histograms, or grouping data, this function can greatly simplify your tasks. By understanding and utilizing the groupBy function, you can efficiently manage and manipulate your data, ensuring that it is organized in a meaningful way. The groupBy function is a powerful tool for organizing array elements based on specific criteria in PHP. Whether you’re categorizing products, creating histograms, or grouping data, this function can greatly simplify your tasks. By understanding and utilizing the groupBy function, you can efficiently manage and manipulate your data, ensuring that it is organized in a meaningful way.

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